Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rain down...

I'm sitting here late at night feeding Gabriel as I listen to a glorious rain quickly falling outside the window. You can look at the landscape of these parts and easily see how badly we need the rain. But just like the ground needs refreshing from the rain, I realize that so often we need that spiritually, too, and tonight my heart is so burdened for a family who needs God to rain down on them in a mighty way...

This precious family was blessed with a beautiful baby boy in early August, but the birthfather decided last week he wanted the baby, so this couple had to return their baby boy to his birthmother today. My heart just breaks for them as I can't even imagine the grief they must be experiencing. Please join me in praying for this precious family-for peace and healing and for God's love to truly rain down on them in a mighty way. Please pray for safety and well being for this baby boy as well...

I'm reminded of what we were told in our orientation earlier this year-that adoption is NOT a risk-free journey. Even if the wait seems short to some or the process appears to be going smoothly from the outside, there are SO many little details going on in the background that make it anything but a smooth and easy road. It is often paved with twists and turns and heartache. But I take comfort in the fact that I follow the One who is in control. None of these things take Him by surprise, so I just have to keep learning to trust in Him and depend upon Him, knowing He loves me and is guiding me. It's just so hard when it doesn't make sense in our human eyes though, but that's when we can allow God to build our faith the most...

So tonight I find myself hugging Gabriel a little tighter and a little bit closer. I can't imagine our lives without our son, and my heart is grieving for this family trying to make sense of things without theirs.


  1. Oh, I am so sorry for this family. I will be praying for them!

  2. PB,

    I cannot even describe how this post has helped me tonight. I was awakened, by the Lord, to pray for another adoptive family, possibly facing a similar situation this very night...for the second time. I had no words to pray until I read your blog. Your words about trust and faith have given me just what I need to pray for this family and for the birth mom's family, whom I also know. Thank you!!

    As I pray for my friends, I will also pray for this family you have written about.

    Debbie Guinn
